Our Animals

Sponsorship Program

Would you like to be the sole sponsor to one of the animals? Email Jody at home4goodrescue@gmail.com for details.

Marvin and Bebe

Marvin and Bebe are the first two horses we brought home. Marvin is a retired rodeo/barrel horse and he is FAST! He has the most beautiful gate and the sweetest personality. He wasn’t always treated the best so it does take a little bit for him to warm up to new people, but he is a dream!

Bebe is a beauty! She has the most personality of all our horses! She is also very inquisitive, always investigating and inspecting our work and tools. Bebe has the most beautiful face and is always a lady. Bebe is very well trained, afraid of almost nothing and loves affection.


Habbie is our little mini horse. He is a hoot. He is gentle and fun and loves people. He is a scrappy little guy and will bite at the big horses so that they will drop their food and he will then gobble it up! He is so good with children and has the most fun little personality.


Belle, our beautiful, Clydesdale. She was the most amazing horse and only wanted to please. She was the herd leader and all of the other horses respected her. We were told she was 14 when we rescued her. Unfortunately, she was older and we lost her to a heart attack in November, 2018. We were lucky enough to have her for 4 ½ years and enjoyed her so much! We were with her when she passed and we continue to be absolutely devastated by her loss. RIP Sweet, beautiful girl. We miss you every single day.


Pete is a retired racehorse whose owner sold his property, no longer wanted him and threatened to send him to slaughter. The owner’s sister immediately posted him on rescueme.org and we saved him that day. We didn’t really have room in our barn but I knew that we had to try and save him. He is a very tall thoroughbred and is such a sweet, sweet boy. He follows us everywhere and just wants to be loved. We couldn’t love this guy more.


Goldie is the most beautiful four-year-old Palomino quarter horse. She was a rodeo horse who sustained an injury and then after surgery, sustained another injury. She was surrendered and we were lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time and we adopted her and brought her home. She is so gentle and so kind. She has residual injuries to her leg that we treat but she is happy and loved!

Oliver and Penelope

Ollie was abandoned at our local county animal shelter. He is an absolute love! He is so cute and so funny. He is two years old, neutered and super smart! He is our first potbelly pig here at Home4GoodRescue and we couldn’t love this little guy more than we do!

Penny was listed in our local newspaper for sale. The ad stated that if she was not sold within one week, her owner was going to butcher her. We went to get her the same day. She is 14 months old and a total love. We drove a couple of hours home with her sitting in the back of our Ford Explorer. She never moved. She was terrified. She had no idea where she was going or what was going to happen to her. She is home now. And she is safe. And she is so very happy!

"The Doods"

Baxter is our first Doodle, rescued from a Shelter in Sioux Falls, SD in 2009. Our daughter found him on the website, picked him up that day for a home visit and we were in the car driving that night. Since joining our family, he has been the most faithful companion, a gentle soul to everyone he meets and just the happiest dog. Our desire to rescue animals in need and provide a safe and loving home, is largely thanks to Baxter. We could not love him more!

Jethro, Rufio and Jack have been with us since their birth. We rescued their mom, Stella, from a puppy mill in Colorado. There were 8 pups in the litter, all boys! Our family loves animals so much that 5 of the boys were adopted by our kids and close relatives. These boys love a day on the boat, a game of catch, an afternoon in the barn and an evening curled up in front of the fire. How could you not loved these Doods!

We Also Have 5 Chickens!
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